Tips for making Back-to-Dance Less Stressful

Tips for making Back-to-Dance Less Stressful


There's no doubt that the back-to-dance season in the fall is one of the most exciting times of the year for many dancers. Returning back to the studio, sometimes to new classes, or new teachers, or new styles can really set the stage for the season ahead; But for dance parents, we know it can sometimes feel overwhelming. 

That's exactly why we've rounded up the most important things to consider beforehand to make back-to-dance shopping a little easier:

TIP #1: Know your studio requirements. After registering for all of your classes, make sure you check with your studio for the uniform requirements, just in case any changes have been made since last year. Tip: If you don't have an email you can reference on your phone in the boutique, many parents and guardians find making a screenshot of the studio's requirements a helpful resource to have when shopping but also for the first few weeks of classes.

TIP #2: Go through your wardrobe. Dig out all of your leos, shoes, tights, and accessories, try things on and make note of what fits and what doesn't. Many older dancers can do this step on their own, but younger dancers will definitely need some more help. Make it an enjoyable task by playing dress up while getting excited about getting back into the studio.

TIP #3: Make a list. We've created a useful checklist for you to print and record exactly what you need to get! There's even a space for you to record current sizes of the essentials, so that the FreeStyle team can give you the best advice and recommendations for everything you need (download and print the checklist below).

TIP #4: Shop early. Everyone gets busy. It's easy to put things on the shelf for later, but the back-to-dance season seems to creep up on everyone quickly. Taking inventory of what you already have in your wardrobe and making your list will prepare you to come in early and free up your time to focus on the important things- Enjoying the rest of the summer together!

 Download your FREE Back-to-Dance Checklist here.

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